The Good Stuff

The best natural performance pre-workout for athletes who want to unleash their full potential! 

What's our secret sauce?

Helping athletes go from struggling through training, plateauing and doubting themselves to feeling excited, euphoric and and completely unstoppable. 

Are you feeling annoyed about training not going the way you want it? Not hitting your performance goals? Finding yourself stressed and wishing training had finished before it began? Then boy have we got an exciting change for you. 

Pre-workout performance powder that helps you feel incredible in training and improve performance. Meeting those short term energy needs with long term performance results that come from consistently showing up and being your best in training.  

Published research shows ingredients in The Good Stuff increase your potential to produce more ATP during exercise, improve endurance capacity, increase aerobic threshold, reduce lactic acid build up and help your body adapt to physical and mental stress! 

Who's idea was this?

Cassie Heaslip

Onyx Performance Founder

Hi everyone, I'm Cassie, Founder and every day user of The Good Stuff! 

The Good Stuff was born out of my desire to improve my own performance as a triathlete. For anyone who doesn’t know, this sport involves swimming, cycling AND running.  It's common to begin sessions already fatigued and I was struggling to give it my all, feeling not only physically stressed but mentally. 

After countless hours researching different herbs, mushrooms, rock minerals.. (maybe one day in the future), and testing them on myself I finally found the perfect combination that helped me feel absolutely UNSTOPPABLE.

After a few weeks of taking The Good Stuff consistently each morning before my training, I was reaching my next level. I was hitting PB’s in all 3 sports and feeling amazing while doing it. And afterwards? No post training crash, or downer, just kick on and ready for the next session!

I knew that this was going to be a game changer and couldn’t keep it to myself! If you are ready to become super focused on your training, feel absolutely unstoppable and hit that point of absolute euphoria in your hardest sessions, then do yourself a favour and get some of THE GOOD STUFF!